Please note carefully where your booking is before using the booking system. I cannot be held responsible for a missed appointment due to the wrong location. You will be able to book all clinics online. If a suitable appointment can not be found in the timescale you need please call 07580233824 and speak with Dr Dundas and he may be able to find you a more suitable appointment.
TAXI MEDICALS – If you are booking a taxi medical, please remember to bring with you any paperwork which requires completion, your licence and most importantly a “House call Summary” sheet or brief summary of your medical records. These can be obtained from your own GP practice. This gives us an understanding of your medical complaints and helps ensure your medical goes ahead uneventfully. Failure to provide the necessary documentation will result in you appointment being cancelled which may impact on your badge renewal.
Qualified doctors
Dr Dundas is registered with the GMC and Royal College of General Practitioners. Speak to a member of our team now for more detail.
Choose Drivers Medical Solutions for your drivers medicals.
Call us now 07580 233 824